The newly created Khunti district, earlier a sub-division of Ranchi district was carved out of Ranchi district and created on 12.9.07 as the 23rd district of Jharkhand. Part of the South Chotanapur Commissionary, Khunti is a very new district, established on 12th September 2007. Khunti is a district with 6 Blocks, and is 40 Km. from South of the state capital, Ranchi.
Area: 2611 Sq. Km
Population: 5,31,885
Density: 215 per sq. kms
Literacy: 64.51%
Language:Nagpuri, Mundari
- RPF for Sensitization and Awareness Campaign against Opium Cultivation in Khunti District and Promotion of Alternate Cropping Practices
- Short tender notice regarding 26th January Glimpse(Jhanki)
- Corrigendum to Priority List For Promotion in Grade 4 to Teacher’s Working in Primary School of Khunti District
- Inviting Comments/Feedback on the draft Coal Bearing Areas (Acquisition and Development) Amendment Bill 2024
- scheduled Date, time and Place of the General Aam Sabha Meeting for Selection to the Vacant Posts of Sevika and Sahayika in Anganwadi center of various project under Khunti District